The Holy Hawk Moth Stickers

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3 pack of stickers printed by Inscriptu

Artwork by Malachi Maggie Lily @theholyhawkmoth

“Malachi Lily is a shapeshifting, black, trans/agender poet, artist, animator, curator, and moth. They connect to the Collective Unconscious via energy work, Active Imagination, mysticism, myth, magick, folklore, and fairy tales. This channelling often takes the form of poetry and illustration, as well as the curation of gallery and performance events, exhibitions, and experiences of queer, Black joy. Their art forms a tangible permeation into the concept of Oneness - living in the reality that we all are manifestations of the same source energy and we are connected through infinite possibilities of forms. They offer methods to break these individual barriers and reveal the symbols, archetypes, emotions, and lessons that exist in everyone to support the transformation of our collective consciousness.”

Born and based in Philadelphia

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